Wednesday, April 3, 2019

fam bam

Im going to send a letter to just the fam this week so i can be completly honest about how this week went. Amazing. Despite the rocky conversations i had with my companion after pday and many prayers to be able to see her the was God does, I had a big coming to Jesus. We actually get along really good and make a good team. We arent necesarily bffs but we both have what eachother lacks. I am learning a ton from her. Patience is one of them. New missionaries just arent accustomed to the schedule or do things a little bit different so i constantly have to learn how to give her correction which i had to do when i was an hermana leader but its completly different with hermana Wilkins. She doesnt like compliments or me serving her, she just likes the cold hard truth which is great but i also feel like a witch sometimes haha. Im mom after 9 o{clock. I am the old lady in the mission who just wants to crash into bed at the end of the night whereas the other hermanas we live with want to play games and talk about boys. Im growing up mom. But we have had a lot of fun experiences this week together and even though she doesnt say it, i know she respects me as her superior. Im gaining her confidence little by little.

THIS WEEK WOW. I have never felt Gods presence more in my life . He has been giving me the strength and energy to do so much. He has given me so much courage to contact (its still a little scary to initiate contacts). Its not that my comp doesnt do anything, she is very dilligent, its just that she cant because of the language barrior. So its on me to do pretty much everything. I have never prayed harder to find people to teach. We were thrown in a brand new sector with no people to teach but God has put SO MANY people in our path to teach this week. Everyday i pray that we can at least find one new person to teach and it happens!! Every day!! People have even strated walking up to us to see what we are all about. This guy today told us, "WRITE DOWN MY NUMBER AND COME BY ASAP" That never happens! Or we met this lady we lived in our complex and we set up an appointment but she wasnt there, anyways we receieved a knock on the door at 10Ñ30 at night and it was her! She was so upset that she had missed the appointment and came to apologize and set up another day and time! They are mini miracles but i know they are directly from God Himself helping us to keep moving forward! 

As for the tronkyness, its really not a thing! I would be lying if i said i didnt think about home, thats a given, but im not longing to be there, I know i still have a lot of time left so i chose to not let it consume me. I have been a little bit more emotional testifying during lessons. After a the third time crying when testifying, my comp says to me, "I thought you told me you dont cry very much." I said, [i really dont! I dont know whats wrong with me." and she goes, "I think youre just tronky." haha I think shes right. But I think im relaly just going to miss knocking on random peoples doors just to tell them about this awesome message we have about Jesus Christ and eternal families! Im going to miss the power I feel/have when i testify about truthfulness of all these things. 

But anyways!! General conferance is just around the corner and i am going to miss watching it in our pjs and eating homemade omlets but since im training i will still get to watch it in english! YES! I LOVE Profet Nelson, Im so excited to hear him speak! Im sure he has a few more chnages and revelations up his sleeve so im extremly anxious for those also. 


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...