Wednesday, March 27, 2019

CHAU San Bernardo, HOLA Los Nogales!

Hey fam!
I am going into my last change here in the mission and I think its going to be the best change yet. I am opening a new sector with my new daughter hermana Wilkins from arizona! She has two days in Chile and is killing the game. She is EXTREMLY intelligent (i dont even know how to spell what major she is taking at BYU), always wanting to do her best and very brave from what i have gotten to see so far!

Yesterday was we set out and about in an area we had never been to before trying to get around with a little hand sized map and asking locals for directions. We got lost a few times but it was all for a specific reason! We were looking for the house of someone that the previous missionaries were teaching but instead found Mariela! As we walked up to her she begins to tell us that she thought we were two angels that had fallen from heaven. We started up a conversation with her and after sharing a scripture from the book of mormon she tells us that she had one in her house! She said she had only read a few times but wants to pick it up again to start reading it! She was really grateful for our visit and wants us to visit her son the next time we come over! MIRACLE.

The best thing about this change are how many miracles we are about to witness opening a new sector! My companion told me she came out on a mission hoping to feel the spirit more in her life because she couldnt recognize it before. Boy is she in for a treat. 

I feel so strongly that this is the work of the Lord!! I know that He LIVES adn LOVES us so much. I feel His love constantly! I love you all a ton, thank you for your prayers, i sure do feel them :)

Hermana Pulsipher

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Today we scaled a mountain, watched the sun rise and drank mate (a tea everyone drinks in south america). Love you guys tons! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...