Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Fam Bam - January 31, 2018

Okay this week flew freaking by so fast. I cant even remember but here are
some highlights

I started ping ponging in lessons with my comp.... ayyyy, the language is

The missionaries planned a postre activity for our ward and it was a super
good turn out! Some less actives came too and brought some shot glasses for
their juice. Me and my comp made oreo cheesecake and tiramisu and totally
dominated but of course the inactives stole first. Its chill.

I gave my first talk in sacrament meeting on sunday and i spit straight
fire. A bunch of members told me i have the gift of tongues! Also, A man
told me I was going to make the perfect wife, so there is that.

We had cambios yesterday and my new zone is so lit. We had a big activity
today, played capture the flag, and ahhh everyone is so much fun!

Our investigtor Lucie had her babies yesterday! She named one of them after
our ward mission leader and Hermana Parra was with her every step of the
way! Gosh, I love my ward. They are so supportive of our investigators! We
got permission to go visit her in the hospital so we will do that tomorrow!

Our baptism for our haitian Ricardo is this Saturday! This is my first
baptism where I was super involved and it actually feels like i
contributed. Im super stoked! ​


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...