Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kiki, do you love me? August 29, 2018


We had changes this week and i finally got my turn with a gringa! Hermana Cutler is a long lost twin sister. We are the exact opposites but weirdly have a lot of things in common. She is the baby of a big family too so we get along super well! Im feelin like its gonna be a good change!

This week we were able to put a baptisimal date with our columbian investigater Catherine. We did not even have to beg her, she accepted the invitation right away and always tells us how when she reads the BOM, she always feels something really warm inside. She has boyfriend, who is from a different religion but told us that with time he will come to realize that this is the only true church with the priesthood on the earth. She has been coming every sunday with her daughter and always knows the answers to the questions because she reads more than just the homework we give her! Live, love, Catherine.

Antonio is a old man we found in our neighborhood who walks his dog 20 times a day. He is from Jerusalem and was born in a shoe box and then adopted by another family (from what i understood). He is also a dog whisperer, and has been bald ever since he was a baby (Still pretty cute though) ! When we taught him the first vision he told us that he doesnt know how but he already knew that these things were true. He has investigated a lot of churches but has only felt that the mormon church is to be true! He cant read so we gave him the scriptures on audio and we will be asking him to baptism this week! He is the sweetest old man!

Its weird hitting 10 months, i feel like my spanish should be better and i should know a lot more but looking back heavenly father has helped me grow so much. I love love love sharing this message, even though we have a couple haitian stalkers, knowing my purpose here in this life and knowing that i have a Father in Heaven who loves me help´s me to know that i am where i need to be! 
1. Hermana Cutler and I!
2. Pday Zumba!
I love you all so much! Hermana Pulsi

Sarah Pulsipher

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

FAMMMMILLLY ONLYYY - August 15, 2018

ahhhhhhhh! Como etan lindos?! 

This week flew by! This Saturday Ricardo was able to be baptized! On sunday he gave the last prayer in sacrament meeting and today he will be be interviewed to receive the priesthood and then a week later he will go to the temple! The bishopric in this ward are freaking machines. After the baptism of Ricardo on saturday i wanted to take a picture with him but he ran out of the chpel to put his under garments in his car. But i had no idea what he was doing so i chased after him with my camera and he got so scared! bad move hermana pulsi. 

We started teaching the little brother of our ward mission leader and he is so so shy! We finally got him to go to mutual with us and when we got there, there were about 15 young women and no boys. He was mortified, but he was such a trooper! They are doing a dance for the ward talent show and he is the main star. Our bishop told us that we cant dance or do anything crazy so we are are singing "Come unto Christ" with our ward mission leader. Its in english and Im basically just singing a solo. Not really sure how its going to turn out but im mortified. 

I made a really big mistake this week. So here in chile, the buses have these bars at the front that only unlock and let you pass through when you pay. So my comp and i get on the bus and she flshes her bus card first and it goes through. She enters and as i go to flsh my bus card it doesnt work. The bus driver tells me to just hop the bar and i just kind of stand their frantic deciding what to do, "Do i hop the bar, or get off the bus?" Then all of the people on the bus start yelling at me to just come through, i start to get even more stressed. My comp tells me to just do it, so i start to hop the bar and i cant! I get stuck and then i stress even more. When finally i tap the bar and it had totally been unlocked the whole time. I pass through laughing my head off and everyone in the bus was too. Gringas... 

Hahya i love you guys so much. Make sure you guys always charge your bus card before getting on to just avoid the embaressment all together. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

No fuego - August 8, 2018

Buenas dias de santiago, chile!!!!!

Good news and bad news. We had to drop Gina. Well in reality, we dropped us. She basically told us that our church just didnt have enough fire for her. She was hoping for the jumping and screaming the the sacrament meeting but it just didnt meet her expectations. Super duper sad, but teaching her helped my testimony grow stronger of how sacred our church meetings are! 

BUT! We had such an amazing opportunity to be apart of the teaching of Ricardo! He is getting baptized this saturday! He is a was a reference from a open chapel and after his baptism he is really looking forward to meet a nice mormon girl to get married in the temple with! He is a 40 year old chilean, president of his apartment building and has some sweet hair. My comp and i are thinking to make a mormon version of "The bachelor" and making him the bachelor. 

ALSO! Super cool experience this week. We went on divisions with other sisters in our zone because one was sick. So i went out on divs with another sister and we went to visit a family that my companion and i actually contacted but they werent from our sector so we had to give their address to these other missionaries. Well, when we went to this families house the mom imediately recignized me! She told me that when we met them in the park one day, she knew it had to be the true church because she could see the light of Christ through our faces. And when we hugged her at the end, it confirmed everthing for her. Turns out, her and her husband are getting married and their whole fmaily will be baptized by the end of this month. SO grateful that Heavenly Father was able to give us a push to talk to her and know what to say to her that day in the park.

Someone asked me today what i have learned on my mission so far. And honestly, out of everything, i have come to know that this church is true. My testimony has grown so much and I love being a missionary to be able to share this message of hope and happiness!

keep choosing the right, its the only way to find happiness in this life and the life to come! :)
Love you all so much, Hermana Pulsi
1. My zone!
2. Spanish Crew w/ our fav haitians 
3. RICARDO! (hes single ladies)
4. My bestie/compy


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...