Sunday, February 18, 2018

AY MI COROZON - February 15, 2018

My heart has been so full this week! 

Elder Christopherson and Elder Brag visited our mission this week! We had a conference with them yesterday and my favorite part was toalways to remeber to be "Sweetly Bold" with our words when testifying of this message! QUE GENIAL, CIERTO? It was my first time meeting an apostle and wow, you can just tell from their presence, and sweet voices that they are truly called from God. 

On monday, my heart was beating out of my chest all day from feeling my Saviors love so strongly for me! It is truly the best feeling in the world. How cool is it that wecan feel the comfort form our Savior, just one prayer away. Pray always!! Your Father in Heaven wants to talk to you and keep tabs in your life!!

Our investigator Cesar who just returned form efy is getting baptized this friday! The whole ward is coming, and were so involved in helping make this happen! What an amzing plan Padre Celestial has in store for each one of His children. I am so grateful for the life i have been given and the plan He has in store for me and the life I am living right now! 

Highlights: Apparently I have a cousin here in the mission?? An elder i have never met inmy life came up to me at the conference and informed me of the family history we share together! MISH.

One of our members has parrots as a pet, so of course we asked tohold them.

My trainer/ comp thought it would be really funny to ding dong ditch every puerta on our way home last night. I love her so much, Im so not ready for cambios in a couple of weeks.


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...