Wednesday, September 26, 2018

BYOB - September 26, 2018

Hey fam! Sorry my email last week semed like I was really tired (thanks Gar bear), but this week im feeling tons better! I am not the best writer but I hope I get across to you guys just how amazing the mission is! A lot of little funny things happened this week like Hermana Cutler mistaking the word Utensils for beer in Spanish (Servicio, cerveza... super similar) and telling our recent convert to bring his own beer to the ward party. Yeah, it actually happened, thankfully he was taught well the Word of wisdom. And I introduced Cutler to her first energy drink. She liked it so much we are now going to kick off the week witha bang and start having "Monster Mondays." The mission has been a rollar coaster. There is a new obstacle every week that we have to face. I have never been attracted to anyone here in my entire time that I have been here but for some reason this week Heavenly Father gave us a really cute boys (who speak english) to teach every day. The spirit was there, and I stayed focused on my purpose so im not complaining about that obstacle. 

I have been studying a lot about repentance this week. I have always focused more on baptism and making that the center point of every lesson but the atonement of Jesus Christ is central and the most important part of Gods plan for us. Sin is the only thing that seperates us from God, and we are baptized for the remission of our sins

I kind of just came out on the mission because Heavenly Father told me to. I had no idea what I was doing, I just went out for pure obedience. In the first few weeks of my mission, I had no clue what anyone was saying and I tried my hardest to say something during lessons even if it was just my testimony. And i have always been greatful for the little testimony i have always had. More than anything, it was a testimony of Jesus Christ and the way I felt when I went to church.
 One lesson, my trainer had just got done teaching about the grand apostasy and it was my turn to teach about Joseph Smith and the first vision. As i began to recite his vision, the only thing i could think was, "Did this actually happen? This is actually the craziest thing." I felt so confused, i felt like everything i had been taught and known to be true was maybe not true. I felt so silly, I didnt feel like teaching those things if i didnt know they were true. So i did as Jospeh smith did, ask God. That night, I prayed... Nothing. The next morning, i prayed again... nothing. I did this for a couple days, until one day while my companion was in the shower I locked myself in our room and said a prayer outloud. I told Heavenly Father that I was getting tired of feeling confused and that I needed to specifically if Joseph Smith was a prophet called from God. Immedietly after my prayer, i remember feeling an overwhelming amount of comfort and peace. It was exactly what i needed to keep studying out my doubts. That morning, I was studying in 2 Nephi 2 about the atonement of Jesus Chist. When I got to the end of the page, i felt the same spirit that i had felt that morning testify to me that the Book of Mormon was true. Joseph Smith could not have written that book and I really do know that he saw Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father that day. Through these 10 months i can confidentely say that the Chruch of Jesus Christ has been Restored one the earth through Joseph Smith. That we can only live with God and our families again through the atonement of Jesus Christ and saving ordenances. My love and gratitud for my Savior and his atoning sacrifice has grown imensely. I love you guys so much, i pray every day that you guys can be blessed to have spiritual experiences and continue to grow your testimonies of the restored gospel! 

I would really love it if you guys could send me your experiences or a moment in your life when you knew the church was ture or that Jesus Christ lives! I would love that tons! 

I hope you all have a stellar week, kill it for me!
Hermana Pulsi


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...