Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Peanut butter and honey Sandwiches for Christmas - September 19, 2018

This week was full of so many beautiful and amazing things!
On thursday we started to teach someone from New York! He has a chilean girlfriend who talks like Gloria from Modern Family and he doesnt speak any spanish so we are teaching them in english and its so weird, its actually really hard to teach in english surprisingly. He came to chile looking to get away from the world and finding himself. As we taught him the restauration of the gospel he stopped us so many times to ask good questions and was so receptive. He told us that when he made a peanut butter and honey sandwich for her for the first time she told him that it was so delicious that they needed to make it for Christmas dinner for her famil! They are real cute.
On Saturday, we had the opportunity to go to our good friend Nerva's ceiling! Nerva is a haitian in my first ward that helped us translate during our lessons with Lucie. He is kind of the man. But it was so sweet and so special to witness the last convenent they made with God.
Later that day, we ran over to the church for Rodrigos baptism! It was one of the most special baptisms ive ever een apart of. His big brother Pablo (our ward mission leader) baptized him! Pablo was the only member of his family and always comes to church alone, but now he has a buddy! Helping families move one step further into becoming an eternal and make covenants together has definitely been a highlight of my mission.
This week has been so sunny and nice but yesterday we left from the bishops house and just got poured on (hail and everything) for a straight hour. Cutler and I were so upset but also laughing so hard. I turned to her and told her that I love days like these because we are going to see a miracle. An hour later, we run into a chinease man. He points to our tags and says to us in english “Church! Where?”Turns out, he got baptized a year ago in Malaysia and came to chile alone to learn spanish and experience the culture here. With there being so many foreigners here, in the beginning of the change Cutler and I made a goal to help bring the first chinease man in Chile to church. We did it fam.
These week we definitely had a few curve balls thrown at us but I have been able to learn to rely on the spirit and working with whatever comes our way. At first it may seem like it is the hardest obstacle to overcome but in the end, it is easy to look back and see how inspired it was by the Lord!
Who run the world... Girls.
Hermana PulsiPer


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...