Thursday, January 31, 2019

Divs on divs

This week I felt a little anxious to be honest. I went to have divisions with my daughter (the hermana I trained) and I was excited to see after all this time how she had grown and what she had accomplished. I learned a few things during this division and my thoughts are a little scattered so try and keep up with me.

During the division, she told me how much I had changed and how “consecrated”  I was. Her sector had few set appointments that day and we contacted for hours as she told me how mad she was at leaders in the mission or how hard her ward was because the members didn’t give them lunches. Little by little I got more and more disanimated and looked for all of the little things she didn’t improve on.               
Eventually, we prayed for a specific miracle to find a prepared family. As soon as we said "amen." We saw some Haitians and literally chased after them. We ran 5 blocks… not even joking. After getting done with the conversion of an uninterested Haitian we spot out of the corner of our eye GINA. Gina was a Haitian that Hna Martinez and I taught together in Parque Subercaseoux. Gina had moved to Hna Martinez{s sector! We ended up teaching Gina that night and meeting her husband who was pretty receptive to our message. After that I realized that when we pray for specific things God gives us specific miracles.

After the division we had a companionship inventory. I asked her if she was going to bed on time, she wasn’t, or if she was using her time wisely, she wasn’t, the little things just kept adding up. I started to feel my heart ache a little. I felt a strong impression to share a spiritual thought with her that Hermana Gwilliam had shared with us in a leadership meeting. I asked her if she had faith in herself. She told me no. I then asked her if maybe it was because she knew God knew about her disobedience. She started to tear up and replied yes. 
I shared a scripture with her in 2 Nephi 25:26 which talks about all things Christ. Christ is the reason we are out here, why we wake up and do hard things. I didn’t explain the scripture much but I did share with her how much I loved her and how proud of her I was that she had not given up. We sat there and cried for a bit like a mother daughter moment and then we made a joke so it didn’t get too sentimental. I knew that whatever I said to her was not going to make her change her ways. I knew that it had to come from the desire of her own heart. I love my mom because she always taught me that the pure love of Christ cures everything. After having this experience, I couldn’t agree more. I don’t know if what happened in the inventory impulse her to make better decions but I did feel a more Christ like love for her that helped me to withdraw the expectations I had for her, seek forgiveness for judging her and look at all of the ways she had grown. 

In my studies this week, I learned about loving those you serve. I put the question, "How will others know that I am a servant of the Lord?" I concluded with charity. If others are able to feel a bit of the love Christ has for them through me, they will recognize that a 20 year old American that doesn’t speak perfect Spanish isn’t asking them to change, Jesus Christ is. 

I invite you all to develop the Christ like attribute of charity. If it doesn’t come easy, because usually it doesn’t, pray to have it. It works, ive seen it work out here with the stubborn Chileans. ;)

I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves each one of you! I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to come to know Him better and help others do the same.

Hermana Pulsipher 
Divs with Hermana Martinez (argentina) and Hermana Meza (Peru)

Sarah Pulsipher


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...