Wednesday, October 24, 2018

JOSE IS THE MAN October 24, 2018


JOSE GOT BAPTIZED!!! Let me tell you a little something about Jose. He is a dad of two kids whom he left in Venezuela to come to Chile and work to send money back to them and his wife. He had always been really angry with God but on his 12 day bus ride over to Chile, he thought and prayed a lot. He asked God that if He really did exist if He would just give him a sign. The first day he got to Chile, the missionaries knocked on his door and told him exactlty him something that really penetrated his heart. He felt in that moment that God really did exist and and that He had never left his side. He had tooked the lessons got to the baptism interview and then backed out because he didnt feel ready. We kept visiting him and he always told us, "Just be patient sisters." Well flashforward to two weeks back when out of the blue Jose anounces his big news by writing on a little paper "BAPTISM" and passing it to us! His baptism was really special. He got up and bore his testimony after and it was really sweet to hear him say that without a doubt that all of the things he learned are true. Im thankful for the role of the holy ghost that played a huge part in his conversion and Im thankful for the opportunity to have seen the countenance/ light just completely emerge out of him.

Also, we taught a family about the plan of salvation and when we were teaching about the kingdoms of glory we asked them where they wanted to live the oldest daughter says, "to be honest, I would want to live in the middle kingdom because thats where all of my friends and family will be." I have never heard someone pick another kingdom besides the celestial kingdom but it was so interesting that she said that. It made total sense too! It was kinda interesting that she viewed the kingdoms of glory like some kind of frat. But I think the question is are we willing to put God in the first place and priority in our lives? Think about what your circumstances are in your life right now and ask yourself, "Do I really love God more than my own family and friends?" If its kind of a hard question to answer, it doesnt matter where we are on the path, as long as we are on it and striving to move forward!
I love you all so much. You all inspire me and strengthen my testimony so much! Keep moving forward!! LOVES

Hermana Pulsipher

Pics: Thalie, a recent convert and Joses baptism!!


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...