Wednesday, June 6, 2018

From President Gwilliam

“Have you received his image in your countenance” …what, how and then what?

This powerful question put forth by the prophet Alma, stirs a remarkable mental picture that I have, up until recently, taken purely as a metaphor…to be added to a list of those that I couldn’t quite understand.  

It is found in verse 14 of Alma, Chapter 5, which is the first part of a number of incredible teachings of pure doctrine that the High Priest set out to “deliver to the people in their cities and villages throughout the land”.  Remember Alma and others are quoted in the Book of Mormon as saying that the only sure way of changing the direction of people’s lives was to teach the “Doctrines of Christ”.  We share this assignment, with exactly the same objective.

Our Mission study topic this change cycle will be these profound teachings with a focus on the question Alma raises regarding our countenances.  Let’s see if collectively we can come to understand what he is trying to say.  Are we to look like Christ?  Is there a way to actually receive this gift? How will we recognize it when it happens and then, what should we do to retain the gift? 

This will mean a very detailed and diligent study of this Chapter as well as a search of related scriptures with topics such as: Likeness, Change of Heart, Faithfulness, Works, Covenants and Consecration.  As we do this as part of our daily studies and planning, focused on the needs of our investigators, I believe it will broaden our thoughts and enlighten our work.

Let me start with some yes or no questions that Alma raises in order to get the attention of those he was teaching.

§ Have you spiritually been born of God?
§ Have you experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
§ Do you exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you?
§ Do you look forward with an eye of faith to stand before Him in confidence?
§ Do you walk, keeping yourself blameless before God?
§ Do you realize that regardless of the answers to these questions, at this time, you are always able to repent (change) and start to say yes?

Wonderful family of this Great Mission…let’s learn together and lift each other up.  As we do this, not only will our outlook on the experiences of each day change, but indeed we will draw ever closer to the blessings He is determined to pour out upon us.

This we promise and truly see taking place every day.
Abrazos Fuertes de Amistad y Apoyo,
President and Sister Gwilliam


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...