Wednesday, May 23, 2018

ESO ME GUSTOOOOO (Bailando La Cueca) - May 23, 2018

Hi everyone!!

This week was full of so many miracles! The husband of an Hermana in our ward that isnt a member walked into the bishops office to tell him that he wants to change his life and be baptized! This guy wanted nothing to do with us, or our message in his house. We have been preparing his daughter to be baptized but he wasnt very supportive and was always trying to get us to leave. He told the bishop that he has always known the church to be true but he couldnt get rid of bad habits or get the courage to change his old ways. Having the opportunity to teach and help him has been amazing because i am so close to his wife and daughters. I know that this decision will change the life of his family forever! He struggles with the word of wisdowm but i was so powerful to just lay it out straight and make him decide between his cigarettes or his family. Its going to be a long road with him but through patience, faith, and a lot of prayer, i know that his heart can be changed and follow the commandments for pure love for the Lord! But through this experience, i know that anything can happen guys, literally anything.

On Friday we had a ward talent show and it was super lit! We danced the cueca (The cultural dance of chile) and completely forgot every step. My comp and I felt like we had literally just spit upon every chilean in Chile. BUT we rocked the costumes and held up a smile so all was well. We brought two investigators to the activity (a haitian boy and a chilean girl) where they met for the first time and unexpectedly ended up really hitting it off. They are both two singles lookin for love so we are crossing our fingers on this one! 

My comp Hermana Fuentes is from Mexico and is super duper cute! She was literally born to be a missionary and has taught me how to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ. She is constantly serving me, our investigators, the members, and basically anyone she can get her hands on. I have learned that the missions arent about the numbers or the baptisms, they are about inviting all people to come unto Christ and help others in any way that we can. Whether its cleaning the dishes after a lunch with a member, or hosting a family home evening in our house because one of the hermanas that we live with is feeling down. She is the best! I feel so lucky to have her!

I love you all, and i am so thankful for your examples to me and all of the things i have learned from everyone that has been involved in my life! I hope you all have an amazing week! 

Con mucho CariƱo,
Hermana Pulsi


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...