Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Getting chilly in Chile! - April 11, 2018

This week, we have been searching high and low for at least one person to teach! Its getting a bit chilly here so none of these people want to leave their houses or invite us in. But hey, whatever. (Mary katherine Galager) We were so blessed to teach one haitiano family this week about the restoration of our gospel.  We literally have the same gospel that Jesus Christ taught when he came to the earth! Shouldnt we all just be shouting and screaming in the streets with big megaphones like the evangelicos here?? I always throw them a peace sign for spreading the good word of repentance. I love our work here, this message brings SO MUCH HAPPINESS! Every lesson we teach leads back to the infinite love of our Heavenly Father!  

I hope you all have an amzing week! xoxox


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...