Wednesday, August 8, 2018

No fuego - August 8, 2018

Buenas dias de santiago, chile!!!!!

Good news and bad news. We had to drop Gina. Well in reality, we dropped us. She basically told us that our church just didnt have enough fire for her. She was hoping for the jumping and screaming the the sacrament meeting but it just didnt meet her expectations. Super duper sad, but teaching her helped my testimony grow stronger of how sacred our church meetings are! 

BUT! We had such an amazing opportunity to be apart of the teaching of Ricardo! He is getting baptized this saturday! He is a was a reference from a open chapel and after his baptism he is really looking forward to meet a nice mormon girl to get married in the temple with! He is a 40 year old chilean, president of his apartment building and has some sweet hair. My comp and i are thinking to make a mormon version of "The bachelor" and making him the bachelor. 

ALSO! Super cool experience this week. We went on divisions with other sisters in our zone because one was sick. So i went out on divs with another sister and we went to visit a family that my companion and i actually contacted but they werent from our sector so we had to give their address to these other missionaries. Well, when we went to this families house the mom imediately recignized me! She told me that when we met them in the park one day, she knew it had to be the true church because she could see the light of Christ through our faces. And when we hugged her at the end, it confirmed everthing for her. Turns out, her and her husband are getting married and their whole fmaily will be baptized by the end of this month. SO grateful that Heavenly Father was able to give us a push to talk to her and know what to say to her that day in the park.

Someone asked me today what i have learned on my mission so far. And honestly, out of everything, i have come to know that this church is true. My testimony has grown so much and I love being a missionary to be able to share this message of hope and happiness!

keep choosing the right, its the only way to find happiness in this life and the life to come! :)
Love you all so much, Hermana Pulsi
1. My zone!
2. Spanish Crew w/ our fav haitians 
3. RICARDO! (hes single ladies)
4. My bestie/compy


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...