Wednesday, August 15, 2018

FAMMMMILLLY ONLYYY - August 15, 2018

ahhhhhhhh! Como etan lindos?! 

This week flew by! This Saturday Ricardo was able to be baptized! On sunday he gave the last prayer in sacrament meeting and today he will be be interviewed to receive the priesthood and then a week later he will go to the temple! The bishopric in this ward are freaking machines. After the baptism of Ricardo on saturday i wanted to take a picture with him but he ran out of the chpel to put his under garments in his car. But i had no idea what he was doing so i chased after him with my camera and he got so scared! bad move hermana pulsi. 

We started teaching the little brother of our ward mission leader and he is so so shy! We finally got him to go to mutual with us and when we got there, there were about 15 young women and no boys. He was mortified, but he was such a trooper! They are doing a dance for the ward talent show and he is the main star. Our bishop told us that we cant dance or do anything crazy so we are are singing "Come unto Christ" with our ward mission leader. Its in english and Im basically just singing a solo. Not really sure how its going to turn out but im mortified. 

I made a really big mistake this week. So here in chile, the buses have these bars at the front that only unlock and let you pass through when you pay. So my comp and i get on the bus and she flshes her bus card first and it goes through. She enters and as i go to flsh my bus card it doesnt work. The bus driver tells me to just hop the bar and i just kind of stand their frantic deciding what to do, "Do i hop the bar, or get off the bus?" Then all of the people on the bus start yelling at me to just come through, i start to get even more stressed. My comp tells me to just do it, so i start to hop the bar and i cant! I get stuck and then i stress even more. When finally i tap the bar and it had totally been unlocked the whole time. I pass through laughing my head off and everyone in the bus was too. Gringas... 

Hahya i love you guys so much. Make sure you guys always charge your bus card before getting on to just avoid the embaressment all together. 


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...