Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Change is good when inspired.

I just wanted to write you all and tell you how much I love this calling and the Lord. At the end of the mission, I hope to become the person He had me planned out to be all this time. Looking back, I was no where near the person who He set out for me to be and I am still far but little by little Im trying to be more like Jesus Christ, especially since im representing His name and not mine! 

I love you guys. If the spirit is telling you to change something about yourself right now, do it right now. Dont wait until an easier time in your life comes. God tells us exactly when we need to make a change in a specific time. Sometimes i think He invites us to change in the hardest times to make actual sacrifices. If the spirit is telling you to make a change right now, do it. Dont wait!

Love you all so much, thank you for your prayers!
1. Our zone leaders ordered a magician for pday 2. Divs with Hna. Hausdorf 3. Breakfast with the Hermanas!

Hermana Pulsipher


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...