Hola cabros chicos!! Como estais??I want to give you guys a taste of the life in departamental. We have the lovely blessing of living right next to a sausage factory so every time we leave the house we bring the scent of sausages with us all day. That is probably why we also attract so many stray dogs on the street. For morning workouts we run to the park to do circuits and the dogs just plop themselves down right in front of our face and chew their ticks off (which hna. Knight doesn’t mind, she likes to stop every 5 seconds to pet one) haha.We have also been meeting with my man Walter. He is a an 80 year old from Peru and is really hard to understand. He has been seeing the missionaries for A YEAR but he finally has made the decision to get baptized! Anywho, we always meet with him on the corner outside his house to teach him. The other day we were teaching him and hna. Warner just stops talks and stares at Walter’s shoulder. He says, Ä bird just pooped on me didn’t it.”Us, “Yep.”He then casually takes a wad of toilet paper out to have me wipe it off. I actually didn’t mind because I love that guy with all my heart.Then yesterday, we were watching the restoration with him (on a portable dvd player) and all of the sudden a Chilean fight broke out on the street! Walter was not even phased! He kept his eyes glued to the screen and didn’t even pay attention to the shirtless guys snapping their hands off. In the U.S. ya know when girls fight and clap at eachother? Yeah, well Chileans snap at eachother and point at eachother with their lips.Our friend Marie got baptized this week! She is the cutest haitian mama. She gives me the biggest hugs and makes me feel right at home. She was SO EXCITED to get baptized. She spent the whole day before buying all of the essentials and was GLOWING all day!I love changes in the mission because it gives me more opportunities to fully rely on the Lord. I learned that if we truly live our baptismal covenents and aways remember Him the blessings of heaven really do start to pour out over us. He has so much in store for us, I love Him and my Savior so much!Light the world this week!Hermana Pulsipher
Updates from Hermana Pulsipher as she serves as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 18 months.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Snap ya fingas
Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...
This week I felt a little anxious to be honest. I went to have divisions with my daughter (the hermana I trained) and I was excited to see ...
Guys! It was so awesome!! We were teaching our investigator about the joesph smith, the priesthood and baptism in the church, and right when...