Wednesday, October 3, 2018

LUNCH WITH BAE - October 3, 2018

This week we had lunch with a the family nunoz. They have an 8 year old boy that forbids to talk or look at me. He walked out to the table backwards today and ate his lunch facing the wall. He couldnt even be in the same room as me for 5 minutes and went off to finish his lunch in his room! Right as he runs away the mom whispers to me, “Hes in love with you.”Apparently this kid has a thing for blondes. The last time he saw a blonde missionary walk in the chapel he literally calapsed to the floor from thinking she was so cute! Bummer summer, hes a sweet kid. I would have given him a chance after the mish.
The other night we went to visit Catherine and Salome!!! I promised you all a picture of her and I am delivering. CUTEST BABY EVER (Nieces and nephews not included). As we were teaching Catherine, she flipped to the blank pages in the back of the Book of Mormon and started taking notes. I have never met anyone in my entire mission who loves and understands the gospel so clearly! Even when it is being taught to her by two gringas!
On our way to church this sunday we spotted Andre the New Yorker and Maria the Chilean making there way to church for their first time! Then walking into the chapel, we spotted a new haitian face, someone that our recent convert had invited! 10 minutes later Benny from malaysia shows up! Then Nicole, our investigator from Puerto Rico, then Catherine from Columbia! Last the Rincon family from Venezuela rolls in and we were beyond grateful. We definitely saw the hand of the Lord that morning, helping us bring little parts from all over the world to church that day! But the best was after when our rather serious Bishop walks up to us after the meeting, SMILES, and thanks us for something, and im not too sure what he said because I lost focus. I was just so happy that HE WAS HAPPY!
I have been thinking tons about Heavenly Father, His plan and how we play in to it! He likes to push us out of our comfort zones. Which is something my dad has always done. I remember countless occassions where I was afraid to do something and Gary still made me do it. I really did not like him in the moment, but lookiing back it has helped me to become a stronger person and when faced with decisions it was more clear what i should do. Heavenly Father does the same with us. I dont think he has a specific plan for us, but He has an overall plan, the plan of salvation. Sometimes we refer to specific choices we make as “The Lords Plan”for us. We say it is God's plan that we live a certain place, serve a mission, marry a certain person, have a certain number a children, choose a certain major, etc. I cant find anywhere in scripture where it talks in specifics like that- I wonder if the real issue is to follow the Lords plan of Salvation (Which includes commandments like marriage/family, fulfilling priesthood duties like serving a mission for a man, makiing covenants,etc.) and as we make specific decisions along the way the Lord will guide us to know that those choices are in line with His will and desires and they are keeping us on the path!
We are coming to an end of this change and Hermana Cutler and I are pretty nervous about what will happen next. She literally EMULATES the light of Jesus Christ and has completely changed the way I view the mission! 
Hermana PULSI


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...