Thursday, March 22, 2018

CHANGES - March 22, 2018

HOLA HOLA! Everything is new out here in good old San Bernardo, or as the missionaries call it, the celestial kingdom. I am on a bike and i am loving it! I live with all Latinas ina house and my zone is all Latinos tambien! So, im pretty sure Presdident is trying to say something about my spanish or he is just preparing me for some awesome things in the fiture... aka training a newbie. O OJALA!

My new comp is from Argentina and is super dope. She is the realest person I have ever met and loves making work fun! I never knew what a unified companionship felt like during a lesson until this change. She gives me a ton of talking time and believes in me! Last night, I taught the other Hermanas in our house how people from the U.S. dance and they were really weirded out. But sooner or later are going to learn how to drop it low. 

One night we came home to a dog in our house so we decided to give it a name and a bath. But when we went to go wash it we found just a bout a million bugs in his hair... So we threw it out but every morning we wake up to him waiting at our door to let him in. 

In this ward we are working to really unify the ward and bring back less active members. Our relief society president doesnt have counselors and neither does the bishop. Its been rough but Heavenly Father is putting in work for us to make the load a lot lighter!

What i have learned this week is that it is not about me, or my spanish, or if my outfit is on point. Its about the people we teach and the blessings that come from what we are doing out here. 

I love this quote by Elder Uchtdorf about our individual worth. You are in very good hands, loving hands, caring hands, and nothing anyone ever says about you can change that. Their words are meaningless in comparison to what God has said about you.

If you are feeling lost or forgotten this week, zero miedo! God will never forget about us. The good shepard will find you, lift you up upon His shoulders and carry you home!

Hermana PulsiPer


Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...