Called to Serve in the Chile Santiago South Mission
Updates from Hermana Pulsipher as she serves as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 18 months.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you and sooo happy to have you home!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Blessings on Blessings
LLUVIA DE BENDICIONESOne being our new friend Decil! We met him looking for a different person. When we went back to meet with him he told us the day he met us he started praying for the first time again and he is ready to leave his worldy past behind and start his new life with Jesus Christ. It was a pretty big miracle, at the end of the lesson he asked us when he could get baptized and then when he could start being a missionary like us!Another blessing but mostly testimony builder for me was an activity we attended and sang at. The ward read lehis vision in the scriptures together then sent them off to the cultural hall to eat and it had music and distracting things. Then there was a pole that extended from the cultural hall leading to the sacrament room that led to a tree with tons of lights and fruit. Next to the tree a choir of missionaries sang and tried to help the other people hear our voices so that they could come [take part of the fruit.[ It took a little bit for people to hear the music or figure out what was going on. Some followed the pole and saw the tree and us singing but then went back into the cultutal hall. Some stayed at the halfway point being able to take part of the "worldly things" but still look at the tree of life.It made me reflect a lot on all of the people who have come to baptism in my mission, my family, my friends and where they all are right now. I felt the spirit so strongly, testifying of the true joy we can feel from obedience. I know that no temperal happiness can exceed the joy we will feel when our Savior comes again and we are prepared and have done everything we could to help prepare our families! I know the fruit of the gospel is for everyone, though it is hard to choose between the temperal or lasting joy in this life, I know that God is aware of our situation and is there to answer our doubts or tend to our needs. I love my family, my chilean-foreigner family and I love my Savior and I love this gospel with all my heart!The best line I got this week was when someone asked if my companion was my daughter.My heart is extremley full. Words can not describe how much i love this gospel! I love and thank you all so much for your endless support and prayers!Hermana PulsipherFotoitos: Easter egg hunt for the hermanas in our apartment, closed down a street to have a soccer match, and the ward activity
Thursday, April 11, 2019
These past couple of weeks have torn my heart left and right. This contact we had yesterday explains it all, "My son only told you guys you could come by another time so that you woulldnt feel bad, ps. we have one of your books of mormon sitting in in our house collecting dust, could i give that back to you." Ahhh. I felt like someone was breaking up with me. It is the honest truth, i have never felt so disanimated in my entire mission until now. We always get rejected but i have been taking it so personal lately and have just been feeling so such sadness for the people who are missing out on these blessings we are trying to give them. How can hearts be so hard that they look at two smiling gringas outside their door and then slam it in their face? They dont know just how valuable our message is. And then I think about the people who have had this treasure in their life and then they threw it away for temporary happiness.
I have never prayed harder to find the chosen people, i have fought harder to have a more pure and patient love for my companion and I have never felt so much power testifying of my my Savior Jesus Christ. Maybe even if the people I was testifying to didnt feel anything, I did and i cant deny what i have felt!
Conferance was so powerful. I had a lot of questions going into it but to resume them all into one it would be, how can i trust God in the promised blessings He has for me if i do all that i can, and then how can i be patient in waiting to recieve those blessings. I learned two new things from Elder Renlunds talk small acts of faith are required to ignite Gods promises, i cant go crazy asking, "how much more can i do?" and smaller blessings are given to us while waiting for the bigger ones.
I have literally felt God lift me during this change, I am training a new american missionary and opening a new sector so i have been having to do a lot of things on my own due to the language barrior my compaion has (but shes doing great)! Its really scary at times and really tiring but ive never felt alone. Heavenly Father has put at least one receptive person in our path each day to help me have the faith to keep going.
Our biggest miracle has been Soñia. We met her knocking on a members door. She is the housekeeper of the member. We asked her if we could enter and sing her a song because she said she was having a rough day. My companion sings very silent so it was basically a solo, it went awful (if youve ever heard my voice you know) but she felt the spirit so strong and agreed to let us teach her about forever families and how she could be with her son again, he had died just one month before. After a couple weeks of visiting her she is now on the path of repentance. She went from smoking 7 ciggarettes a day to now only 3 in a week! She has SO MUCH DESIRE to become new again through CHRIST. She has definitely been our biggest miracle and I feel so blessed to be able to be an instrument in Gods hands with Sonia.
I know these things are true, my heart hurts to see people reject or fall away because I how much joy these things can bring to someones life just as they have brought to mine! I extend the same invitation as Profet Nelson do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves. God knows you, hears your prayers and will answer you!I testify that President Nelson is called by God to lead and guide our church. I know that Jesus Christ directs this church! And I know that families are forever, i cant wait to see my forever family in a few weeks ;)
I love you all more than you know!
Hermana Pulsipher
The best pic I could get with my comp, Spa day with the zone, and my cute niece ;)
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
fam bam
Im going to send a letter to just the fam this week so i can be completly honest about how this week went. Amazing. Despite the rocky conversations i had with my companion after pday and many prayers to be able to see her the was God does, I had a big coming to Jesus. We actually get along really good and make a good team. We arent necesarily bffs but we both have what eachother lacks. I am learning a ton from her. Patience is one of them. New missionaries just arent accustomed to the schedule or do things a little bit different so i constantly have to learn how to give her correction which i had to do when i was an hermana leader but its completly different with hermana Wilkins. She doesnt like compliments or me serving her, she just likes the cold hard truth which is great but i also feel like a witch sometimes haha. Im mom after 9 o{clock. I am the old lady in the mission who just wants to crash into bed at the end of the night whereas the other hermanas we live with want to play games and talk about boys. Im growing up mom. But we have had a lot of fun experiences this week together and even though she doesnt say it, i know she respects me as her superior. Im gaining her confidence little by little.
THIS WEEK WOW. I have never felt Gods presence more in my life . He has been giving me the strength and energy to do so much. He has given me so much courage to contact (its still a little scary to initiate contacts). Its not that my comp doesnt do anything, she is very dilligent, its just that she cant because of the language barrior. So its on me to do pretty much everything. I have never prayed harder to find people to teach. We were thrown in a brand new sector with no people to teach but God has put SO MANY people in our path to teach this week. Everyday i pray that we can at least find one new person to teach and it happens!! Every day!! People have even strated walking up to us to see what we are all about. This guy today told us, "WRITE DOWN MY NUMBER AND COME BY ASAP" That never happens! Or we met this lady we lived in our complex and we set up an appointment but she wasnt there, anyways we receieved a knock on the door at 10Ñ30 at night and it was her! She was so upset that she had missed the appointment and came to apologize and set up another day and time! They are mini miracles but i know they are directly from God Himself helping us to keep moving forward!
As for the tronkyness, its really not a thing! I would be lying if i said i didnt think about home, thats a given, but im not longing to be there, I know i still have a lot of time left so i chose to not let it consume me. I have been a little bit more emotional testifying during lessons. After a the third time crying when testifying, my comp says to me, "I thought you told me you dont cry very much." I said, [i really dont! I dont know whats wrong with me." and she goes, "I think youre just tronky." haha I think shes right. But I think im relaly just going to miss knocking on random peoples doors just to tell them about this awesome message we have about Jesus Christ and eternal families! Im going to miss the power I feel/have when i testify about truthfulness of all these things.
But anyways!! General conferance is just around the corner and i am going to miss watching it in our pjs and eating homemade omlets but since im training i will still get to watch it in english! YES! I LOVE Profet Nelson, Im so excited to hear him speak! Im sure he has a few more chnages and revelations up his sleeve so im extremly anxious for those also.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
CHAU San Bernardo, HOLA Los Nogales!
Hey fam!

I am going into my last change here in the mission and I think its going to be the best change yet. I am opening a new sector with my new daughter hermana Wilkins from arizona! She has two days in Chile and is killing the game. She is EXTREMLY intelligent (i dont even know how to spell what major she is taking at BYU), always wanting to do her best and very brave from what i have gotten to see so far!
Yesterday was we set out and about in an area we had never been to before trying to get around with a little hand sized map and asking locals for directions. We got lost a few times but it was all for a specific reason! We were looking for the house of someone that the previous missionaries were teaching but instead found Mariela! As we walked up to her she begins to tell us that she thought we were two angels that had fallen from heaven. We started up a conversation with her and after sharing a scripture from the book of mormon she tells us that she had one in her house! She said she had only read a few times but wants to pick it up again to start reading it! She was really grateful for our visit and wants us to visit her son the next time we come over! MIRACLE.
The best thing about this change are how many miracles we are about to witness opening a new sector! My companion told me she came out on a mission hoping to feel the spirit more in her life because she couldnt recognize it before. Boy is she in for a treat.
I feel so strongly that this is the work of the Lord!! I know that He LIVES adn LOVES us so much. I feel His love constantly! I love you all a ton, thank you for your prayers, i sure do feel them :)
Hermana Pulsipher
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Today we scaled a mountain, watched the sun rise and drank mate (a tea everyone drinks in south america). Love you guys tons!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
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Sarah returns from a successful mission! Well done though good and faithful servant!! We are so proud of you...
This week I felt a little anxious to be honest. I went to have divisions with my daughter (the hermana I trained) and I was excited to see ...
Guys! It was so awesome!! We were teaching our investigator about the joesph smith, the priesthood and baptism in the church, and right when...